The Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness in and around your shoulder joint. Symptoms begin gradually and can be divided into three phases.

  • Freezing         
  • Frozen
  • Thawing

smiley sadFreezing:

This is the most painful stage of frozen shoulder. The pain can vary from being a dull ache that becomes sharp at certain angles of shoulder movements to very severe when the slightest knock can cause ‘exquisite’ pain. It often cripples your ability to perform life’s most basic functions like; brushing your hair, putting on a coat, shirt or bra.


Smiley light bulb



During the frozen stage, the pain usually eases up, but the stiffness can be significant. The importance of stretches and exercises cannot be over emphasized as these are the key to successful treatment of frozen shoulder.

Your physiotherapist will show you simple, gentle an effective stretching exercise programme that needs to be performed in multiple but brief sessions at home throughout the day. You will also be taught the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ pain so that you can become confident in doing the correct stretches. This will reduce your pain and regain your range of movement.


Smiley HappyThawing:

During the frozen stage, the pain usually eases up, but the stiffness can be significant.. The importance of stretches and exercises cannot be over emphasized as these are the key to successful treatment of frozen shoulder.

Common signs of a Frozen shoulder include:

  • Significant sharp pain
  • Loss of movement
  • Onset of symptoms often without injury
  • Certain motions are more limited than others
  • Difficulty sleeping

Remember the quicker you are seen the sooner you will get relief and be on the way to resolving your shoulder problem.

Top Tips:

  • Don’t lie on it
  • Gentle stretching ( A Little and Often)
  • Keep your elbow glued to your side with repetitive activities
  • Seek advice early on.