Back & Neck Pain


Did you know that October is Spinal Health Care month?

We need to look after our spine… we only have one …. and it can`t be replaced.

Chartered Physiotherapists working in the area of Musculoskeletal therapy are specially trained in treating back and neck pain.

Modern sedentary lifestyles are a cause for an increasing incidence of back and neck pain. Neck problems can cause pain in your neck, shoulder, mid-back, arm or headaches. A back problem can cause pain in your back, groin, hip or leg. These symptoms may be caused by an injury to any of the structures around your spine:

  • Discs
  • Muscles
  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Nerves


What will a Chartered Physiotherapist do?

A Chartered Physiotherapist will:

  • Perform a detailed assessment, taking a history of your symptoms and a physical examination.
  • Give a diagnosis of the exact site of symptoms and the underlying causes
  • Plan a treatment programme to suit your needs.
  • Your Chartered Physiotherapist will monitor your symptoms at each visit and will progress your treatment programme accordingly.
  • If appropriate, your physiotherapist will liaise with your doctor, hospital consultant or other health care professional.
  • You will be advised on return to work, sport, daily activities and given advice on preventing recurrence of your pain.

What are the treatments?

Specific treatment of spinal pain could include some of the following:

Manual techniques – manipulation, traction or mobilisation of the joints in the spine

Soft tissue techniques – massage, frictions, trigger point therapy, acupressure and stretching.

Stretching, strengthening and postural exercises – a specifically tailored exercise programme targeting your problems. Also, group exercise interventions may be appropriate such as Pilates or the Alexander technique.

Electrotherapy – ultrasound, interferential, TENS, laser or electrical stimulation may help speed up healing and reduce pain.

Bio-mechanical assessment and prescription of orthotics (customised insoles).

Prescription and fitting – of collars, pillows, spinal supports, lumbar rolls and corrective seating.

Assess and give advice – on ergonomics (working postures) to reduce unnecessary load on your spine.

If you are suffering from back pain whether it’s ‘just a niggle’ or something more painful we can help you diagnose, protect and strengthen your back so that you can get back to daily life. Call us on 01 279 8181 to book an appointment with one of our highly experienced Chartered Physiotherapists.