How to manage your hamstring injury

The hamstring muscles are a group of three muscles that run along the back of your thigh from the base of your pelvis to the back of your knee. They are primarily involved in bending the knee and extending the hip. The hamstring muscles are highly susceptible to injury, particularly in athletes. Hamstring injuries tend to be a result of the muscle either being overloaded or overstretched, which can then result in a hamstring strain (tear). This will typically feel like a sudden, sharp pain along the back of your thigh. In some cases you might even feel a ‘popping’ sensation. The degree of a tear can be graded as mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2) or severe (grade 3). Recovery time largely depends on the severity of the tear, however recovery can be enhanced with the correct rehabilitation. 



Your physiotherapist will carry out a thorough assessment, in which they will collect a detailed account of the injury and then examine the muscle. Based on their clinical diagnosis, your physiotherapist may perform manual therapy to the injured muscle and then prescribe an individualised rehabilitation programme. Management will initially focus on recovery and healing of the muscle. Once the muscle fibres have repaired, the focus will then shift to a successful return to sport which your physiotherapist will carefully guide you through. The last phase of management will be prevention. It is not uncommon to have recurring hamstring strains. In order to prevent reinjury, your physiotherapist will advise you on how to best prevent this through self management and specific rehab. 


If you suspect you have strained your hamstring or you suffer with recurring hamstring strains, feel free to book in for an appointment with one of our physiotherapists. You can book appointments through our website , over the phone 01 2897171 or via email